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 Estrella Maintenance & Technology
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tranquille Offline


Beiträge: 25

29.09.2015 11:32
fuel problem.... Antworten

Hello, I have a little problem with my Estrella.
After Refueling, i've running few minutes (1.5 km), and my engine stopped.
When I handed the ignition, the engine restarted normally for a few minutes, then stopped, as if the essence could no longer carburetor, or as if he had drowned.
After a few minutes it was restarted, to stop again after a few minutes!
I checked :
the essence of arrival: ok,
the venting of the fuel tank: ok,
the air filter: ok, ...

Auriez_vous an idea to help me?

thank you in advance to all

Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.342

29.09.2015 12:09
#2 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

It sounds to me as if the venting of the fuel tank doesn't work.
Try to ride with the fuel-cap not completely closed.
But take it easy, so you don't spill the fuel!
If it runs without problems, then you've found the problem.


tranquille Offline


Beiträge: 25

29.09.2015 15:12
#3 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

Soulie, thank's.
but the air intake of the fuel tank does not appear to be the cause of the failure. Indeed, I put the engine with the fuel cap open but the engine stopped after a few minutes, as if the essence does not happen. I also checked at the hose: when I put the contact, the essence comes out by the hose.
the carburetor may be dirty. A nozzle may be clogged. I think having disassembled the carburetor to see ....

cheers , Didier

Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.342

29.09.2015 15:55
#4 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

Look at the upper tube from the carb to the petrol-faucet.
I don't know the right word - the device between gas-tank and carburetor.
Maybe there's dirt inside, and the faucet doesn't open properly.
Although I don't know. how dirt can get in there. Just a try ...

I wish you success!


tranquille Offline


Beiträge: 25

30.09.2015 11:24
#5 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten



I try this solution


tranquille Offline


Beiträge: 25

01.10.2015 14:29
#6 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

I checked the small pipe venting of the carburetor, near the fuel hose: ok, it's clean
I checked the spark plug just after the engine has stopped, and there I see that it is impregnated with gasoline: the engine is therefore noit due to excessive flow of fuel!

my carburetor is the original one, what can be set to limit the flow of petrol, knowing this, you can expect little carburetor external adjustment?


Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.342

01.10.2015 15:26
#7 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

I don't understand this:

that it is impregnated intégramenet gas: the engine is therefore noit due to excessive flow of fuel!

Did your Estrella run properly before?
How many kilometers on the tachometer?
It helps to check or replace the nozzle for idle (Leerlauf) anyway,
since it's the first thing that causes problems,
when there's dirt involved (corrosion in the tank for example).
But your symptoms sound different.

How does the air-filter look?

Good luck!

tranquille Offline


Beiträge: 25

01.10.2015 23:50
#8 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

hi Soulie,
I meant: The engine is "flooded" due to the excessive flow of fuel!

Have your Estrella working properly before? yes, the engine was running like clockwork.

How many kilometers on the speedometer? 59,000 km

It helps to check or replace the idle nozzle (Leerlauf) anyway,
because it is the first thing that causes problems,
When there's dirt involved (corrosion in the tank for example).
I will check the idling nozzle into the carburetor, but after checking with an endoscopic camera, there is no rust on the inner wall of the tank and the tank filters are clean.

How does look the air filter? it is new, but gasoline arrived in the air box and the bottom of the filter impregnated


Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.342

02.10.2015 09:48
#9 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

Hi tranquille!
I'm no expert concerning carburetors, but this sounds to me,
as if the advice, that shuts off the gasolene in the bottom of the carburetor
(tiny cone) doesn't shut properly.
Perhaps you must replace it, or adjust it.
There's lots of information, how to adjust, in the WWW.
Maybe I find a link.


Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.342

02.10.2015 10:01
#10 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

Sometimes it helps to hit the carburetor with a piece of wood
(end of a screwdriver for example), if this cone is fixed
instead of moving (working properly).
It's just a try with no work involved.

Good luck!


tranquille Offline


Beiträge: 25

02.10.2015 19:00
#11 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

hi Soulie,
Thank you for your advices.

Finally, I FULLY disassembled the carburetor and I cleaned.
the needle is in good condition, as well as the membrane.
all parts work properly. after I made the adjustments.
although the fuel arrives to the carburetor.

At startup, the result is the same: it turns a few minutes and stops like a fuel.

the only thing that bothers me is that when the fuel valve is in "direct drive", fuel enters the air filter, whereas before it did not come.



Ello Offline


Beiträge: 164

03.10.2015 01:08
#12 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

Hi tranquille,
maybe it's not a problem of the carburetor, air filter, fuel tank ? You wrote "after a few minutes" , maybe it depends on temperature ? But i don't know, i'm not an expert. It's just an idea...
Regards Ello

Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.342

03.10.2015 09:46
#13 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

"direct drive",

means PRI ?
Now it sounds to me as if the closing-device
including the 'swimmer'
in the Schwimmerkammer needs adjustment.
The fault must be found there.
Sorry, I don't know the english word of Schwimmer-kammer.
This device doesn't shut the fuel-flow properly
and the carb drowns.
My opinion.

Good luck!


tranquille Offline


Beiträge: 25

03.10.2015 15:47
#14 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

Zitat von Soulie im Beitrag #13
Now it sounds to me as if the closing-device including the 'swimmer'
in the Schwimmerkammer needs adjustment. This device doesn't shut the fuel-flow properly
and the carb drowns.


I had the same idea. I dismounted once again checked the carburetor float. it is plastic and can be drilled or porous. If it is OK, I'll check if it works correctly. thank's

Zitat von Ello im Beitrag #12
maybe it's not a problem of the carburetor, air filter, fuel tank ? You wrote "after a few minutes" , maybe it depends on temperature ? But i don't know, i'm not an expert. It's just an idea...
Regards Ello

Hi Ello,

thank you for your help.

When I say "a few minutes" is about 5 minutes, the same time as taking the carburetor bowl to empty

Soulie Offline

Der Laminator und Sattel-Max

Beiträge: 3.342

03.10.2015 16:08
#15 RE: fuel problem.... Antworten

I had the same idea. I dismounted once again checked the carburetor float. it is plastic and can be drilled or porous. If it is OK, I'll check if it works correctly. thanks

By just looking at it you can't tell, whether the level is O.K.
It's a bit more complicated.

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