Hi, Andreas and all!
At last, Spring has come.!! It's the best season for me. I like very much cherry blossom time. Yesterday I watched a TV news on the cherry blossom of
Potomac river side Washington,D.C. U.S.A. It's beatifull. Now I've taken some photos with my Estrella near my home.
As I don't know well how to paste the images into the forum, I've sent them to Andreas via e-mail.
Please enjoy.
Thank you. Estrellitan
Offline ADMIN
02.04.2006 01:31
Hello Estrellitan,
Thanx for the photos you sent me via email! Here are three of them:
Wonderful! We had winter still last week - and now April weather with heavy rain and thunderstorms. Hope that spring will come in Germany soon, too!
Thanx again Estrellitan! Andreas
Offline ADMIN
03.04.2006 15:21
Hi everybody,
I received an email from Rodorinx today.
With 5 photos - each in medium and best quality (4MB). Here are two of them:
I think about making an extra page about Estrella-Cherry-Blossom-Photos on the Estrella website.
Thanx again Rodorinx! Andreas
Offline ADMIN
10.04.2006 14:37
Offline ADMIN
19.04.2006 14:02
after this great response, I asked in the Japanese SST Estrella Forum for photos.
Tensyo, Nao and the other riders were very kind!
Here is a photo from Tensyo and another photo, taken with a mobile phone for us.
More photos here: http://www.kawasaki-estrella.com/html/i-japan-cbt.html
I thank all Japanese riders for their great support!
CU Andreas
Offline ADMIN
01.05.2007 17:13
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