After so many years I am back again with a second hand Estrella 250. I can't remember if Estrella's have a vacuum activated fuel petcock, the one I bought has one but there is no vacuum connection from manifold going into the petcock. I have a feeling that it is not the Fuel petcock that supposed to be in Estrella. So currently my bike runs on the PRI mode. The ON and RESERVE parts don't work because there is no way to provide a vacuum to activate the petcock. Can someone please tell me if the stock petcock is vacuum activated or not.
If this is not the original petcock, I am planning on buying one off the eBay for my Estrella so RES and ON modes will work. Any idea which one I should buy for it?
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These two work by vacuum, I for the moment installed a simple one without vacuum on my motorcycle and plugged the connection for vacuum in the carburetor, I am waiting for the diaphragm to arrive, which was very damaged and had a considerable fuel leak .